VO2reserve (VO2R)
Just as the %HRR (also known as the Karvonen formula) can be used to determine the Target Heart Rate based on Heart Rate Reserve, it can be used to determine target VO2 at a given percentage of Heart Rate Reserve (%HRR).
KEY Formula Variables:
-- Maximum VO2 (MVO2)
-- Resting VO2 (RVO2) **Resting VO2 = 1
MET or 3.5
-- Percentage of VO2 Reserve (%VO2R)
The Formula:
Target VO2 = ((MVO2 - RVO2) * %VO2R)
+ RVO2
To calculate 70% of VO2reserve for a 20 year old:
MVO2 = 50 mL·kg-1·min-1
RVO2 = 3.5 mL·kg-1·min-1
((50 - 3.5) * 70%) + 3.5 = 36.05
((50 - 3.5) * .7) + 3.5 = 36.05