Is it an Art or Science or Both?

Exercise prescription is ....
Prescribing exercise is both an Art and a Science. It is an ART since individuals can very greatly in their responses to a given exercise program -- the same ExRx can have very different results between individuals. Through experience and insight, coupled with careful and timely monitoring, the prescriptionist is able to develop an ExRx that best fits an individual's needs and that motivates them to continue exercising. As a SCIENCE, the process of developing an ExRx follows exact procedures that are based on fundamental knowledge and practice that has been shown to result in the development of safe and effective exercise programs.

Respecting the inherent dangers when prescribing exercise, word of warning.
Prescribing an exercise program should be approached in the same manner as prescribing a drug. In exercise prescription, the exercise specialist is applying dosages (exercise variables) that if carelessly prescribed, could be extremely hazardous to a person's well-being.