Prescription Variables (FITT-VP Framework)
- Intensity of Exertion ("I = intensity" in FITT-VP)
- The rate of energy demand for exertion
- Measured in MET, Heart rate, Velocity, Load, RPE
- DANGER!! Intensity is the most dangerous exercise component
of exercise prescription. Severe injury can quickly occur, even death for
diseased populations can occur
with misprescription of this variable.
- Duration of Exertion ("T = Time in FITT-VP)
- The time an exertion level is required
- Measured in seconds, minutes, hours
- Duration is next most dangerous. This is true if the mode has
been appropriately selected, if not, the rapid occurrence of muscoskeletal injury
exists with misprescription.
- Frequency of Exertion ("F = Frequency" in FITT-VP)
- How often an exertion event is conducted
- Measured in number of times per hour, day, week
- Slower development of injury, Chronic Injury potential exists
- Mode of Exertion ("T = Type" in FITT-VP)
- What is the individual doing to stress physiological systems
- Analysis of major stressing characteristics of mode -- joint, muscle,
cardiovascular system ...
- Volume of Exertion ("V = Volume" of FITT-VP
- Volume is determined by the multiplication of the prescription variables of Intensity, Time,
and Frequency. The Type (mode) tells you the location and type load, demand.
- The combined loading of FIT variables on the human system can quickly lead
to negative prescription outcomes if not carefully considered together.
Progression of Exertion ("P=
Progression" of FITT-VP prescription)
- Progression is the rate you increase the variables of Frequency,
Intensity, & Time (FIT) in the prescription.
- The rate of change in FIT variables is directly proportional to
the stress placed on the body -- joint, muscle,
physiological systems -- directly effecting levels of fatigue,
soreness, and injury levels.