Introduction - Health & Wellness for the People

Why a Battle?

State of being diseased, the rate of illness and dysfunction among a population.

State of causing death, the death rate within a population.

Status of the US population (CDC = Centers for Disease Control)
Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) (Home Page) (Not covered in Exam 1 -- FYI only)

CDC Disease and Conditions (Index of major categories of disease and related statistics) (Not covered in Exam 1 -- FYI only)

CDC Cardiovascular Disease & Health Site (Complete site concerning cardiovascular disease) (Not covered in Exam 1 -- FYI only)

CDC on Strokes (Leading cause of serious disability among americans)

Obesity Problems -- A CDC overview of the obesity and related factors.

What's the Battle?

Physical Activity & Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (1996)

Winning the Battle - Winnable Battle - Nutrition, Physical Activity, & Obesity (Read through to "Challenges / Obstacles")  (Not covered in Exam 1 -- FYI only)

What's the Objective of the Battle?

Functional disability usually occurs before death, given that death is natural and nontramatic.


Exercise results in a compressed morbidity and compressed morbidity leads to a better life and results in lower national operational costs!

Early Studies Showing Benefits of Physcial Activity Programs on Productivity  (Not covered in Exam 1 -- FYI only)

Summary List of Benefits of Physical Activity  (Not covered in Exam 1 -- FYI only)

Benefits of of Physical Activity (CDC)